Abdallah Bassam Alkhawaldeh

My name is Abdallah Al-Khawaldeh; I am a young climate activist and the Chairman Environment Committee at the Jordanian Agricultural Engineers Association. Additionally, a founder of an Environmental Awareness initiative for schools, universities, and the local communities in Jordan. I’m planning to use the newly acquired knowledge I will gain from my participation in […]
Climate Change

Climate change has caused tremendous damage to many communities over the past year yet until now we did not see any significant developments in the mitigation and adaptation plans of key stakeholders. Millions of people, especially from the Global South, will encounter challenges as the climate crisis continues to exacerbate, including extreme events, health effects, […]
How should African countries benefit from the COP 27 negotiations?

The 27th Conference of the Parties will open in a few months in Egypt in the seaside town of Sharm El Sheikh from 7 to 18 November 2022. Taking place on the African continent after the 2021 one in Glasgow, Europe, it will be an opportunity for African Heads of State to conduct negotiations on […]
World leaders ought to mandate climate education in schools

The effects of climate change are becoming more apparent as daily examples of destruction multiply. Every day I receive a deluge of updates and news about disasters happening all around the world as a current affairs and environmental journalist. It is becoming increasingly obvious that bold, quick, and collective action is required if we are […]
Motivating a More Sustainable Future

Because we are the generation most impacted by the climate problem, we, as young people, are in the most significant position to fight it. We must act quickly because we are the last generation capable of halting global warming before it is too late. According to experts, we only have ten years to prevent the […]
Consequences of climate change

In the world, climate change has an impact on every region. Sea levels are rising as polar ice barriers disintegrate. Extreme rainfall and weather events are growing more frequent in some locations, while extreme heat waves and droughts are becoming more frequent in others. If we don’t take action now, these effects will only get […]
Young Climate activism in the climate and ecological crisis era, but the good part

Being a young climate activist is not an easy role in society, but surely it can be inspiring and heart-touching. It can give light to a complex world. Love and fury as we say, knowing that we are in this fight for Climate Justice and Human Rights together, as a family, as a tribe. Thanks […]
Climate Changers

The SDGs Report 2022 revealed that the world is at a critical juncture facing an unprecedented energy crisis. This, indeed, reflects that energy requirements will play a vital role in shaping the future. We know it, no sustainable development, without sustainable energy. In the period between 2010 and 2019, 91% of the global population gained […]
Let’s Re Kindle Our Efforts In Tackling Climate Change

The earth seems to be pleading for mercy for its survival from the activities human beings, while the vice versa is the fact. if one looks at how merciless and brutal, we all have become at every corner of the globe in tearing apart and scattering the very cohersion of materials mother nature had put […]
Climate Change

“There are no passengers on spaceship earth , we are all crew “ ( Marshall McLuhan) We all know that climate change is a very important problem that face every country and Government in the world I the 21th century . The climatologists define the climate change as a ( long-term shifts in temperature […]